Eye Spy...

Empowering the Blind and Low Vision Community. Learn about our pioneering digital directory, connecting individuals with visual challenges to essential resources and services, all aimed at enhancing their quality of life

Eye Spy...

Our Mission

At the heart of the Eye Spy Foundation lies a steadfast mission: to forge a more inclusive digital world for the blind and visually impaired community. We are dedicated to breaking down barriers and opening up new realms of possibilities through innovative digital solutions that resonate with and enrich the lives of those we serve.

Braile Holding Hands

Eye Spy...

Our Vision

EyeSpy.org is currently in Phase 1 of a transformative journey, with a vision to revolutionize the digital landscape for the blind and visually impaired. Our commitment extends beyond curating existing resources to developing new products and services. These innovations, aligning with our mission, will enhance our platform as we progress through personalized navigation assistance in Phase 2, and establish a dynamic content and creator network in Phase 3. We are dedicated to leading the way in fostering a digitally inclusive and supportive environment, offering unique solutions for every individual’s visual journey.

Blind Person on Computer

Phase 1: Curate

Curating a comprehensive hub of resources for the blind and low-vision community, centralizing vital information for easy access.

Woman Walking Blind with Cane

Phase 2: Navigate

Developing personalized guidance systems, including human and AI support, to navigate users to the most beneficial resources.

Braille Typing

Phase 3: Create

Establishing a vibrant content and creator network to address the evolving needs, news, and interests of our community.

Eye Spy Foundation Logo

The Eye Spy Foundation, established in 2023 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Florida, is dedicated to creating innovative digital products and services to empower the blind and low-vision community. With its inception, the Foundation set forth on a mission to harness the power of technology in fostering accessibility and independence. A prime example of this commitment is EyeSpy.org, a flagship initiative designed to be a comprehensive resource and support system. This platform exemplifies the Foundation’s goal to provide digital tools and solutions that not only aid but also enrich the lives of individuals with visual impairments, ensuring they have the necessary resources to navigate their daily lives with greater ease and confidence.

Braile Holding Hands

Eye Spy Foudnation

Board Members

Nick Mendler

Nick Mendler

President & Founder

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Board Member

Lindsey Blankenship

Lindsey Blankenship

Board Member

Robb Streicher

Robb Streicher

Board Member

Meredyth Mason

Meredyth Mason

Board Member