Accessibility Specialists provides services for individuals with blindness or low vision, offering customized home modifications and accessibility solutions to improve independence and mobility. They are committed to creating accessible environments for people with visual impairments.
The Agency for Persons with Disabilities assists individuals with blindness or low vision by connecting them to vital resources and services that promote independence and integration in their communities. They are dedicated to supporting people with various disabilities.
Anchors Aweigh Charters offers adaptive boating experiences for individuals with disabilities, including blindness and low vision. Their services aim to make outdoor recreation accessible to everyone, ensuring a safe and inclusive experience on the water.
ASL Interpreting Services provides communication support for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or visually impaired. They offer specialized services to help those with low vision and hearing loss bridge communication gaps effectively.
Ben's Place Services offers support to individuals with blindness and low vision by providing recreational and social activities in an inclusive environment. They aim to enhance the quality of life for people with various disabilities, including visual impairments.