
Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech

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Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech
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Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech specialize in supporting children with hearing loss and visual impairments. They offer education programs tailored for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, and may also experience low vision, promoting communication and independence.

Jacksonville University Disability Support Services
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Jacksonville University Disability Support Services provides accommodations and support for students with blindness or low vision. Their services ensure equal access to academic programs and campus life for visually impaired students.

University of North Florida Student Accessibility Services
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University of North Florida Student Accessibility Services provides accommodations for students with disabilities, including blindness and low vision. They ensure that visually impaired students have access to the resources they need to succeed academically.

Speech & Hearing Center
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Speech & Hearing Center, Inc. offers comprehensive services for individuals with hearing and speech impairments, including those with low vision. They work to enhance communication abilities for visually impaired individuals through specialized therapies and support.

Vision Education and Rehabilitation Center
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Vision Education and Rehabilitation Center provides comprehensive training and support for individuals with blindness and low vision. They offer a range of programs to help visually impaired individuals learn essential skills for independent living and vocational success.